4 Vital Facts to Know Before Finishing an Esthetics Course

You are probably here because you are about to take an Esthetics course and fulfill your dream career of working as an esthetician. The right school will provide you with the vital information and experience you need to perform the job you aim for. However, there are things you need to know to ensure success in this career, as not all aesthetic academies would teach you. 

In this article, we will share the truths and tips that would help you face the reality of the esthetician's career:

#1: Your Client Will Always Be the Boss

Whether or not you like it, the clients are always the boss. This means that even though you are more knowledgeable in some aspects of the business, you need to listen to them and attend to their needs genuinely; that is, unless what they are requesting could be harmful to them. This fact does not mean that you cannot suggest a better option for them, but do so in a manner that will still make them feel comfortable and heard. 

As an esthetician, you need to learn how to find the right timing. Help them feel at ease towards you and your services first. Once you have established a better relationship, then you can freely make recommendations to your clients.

#2: Master Your Industry

With all the services that an aesthetic clinic provides, you will be lucky if your clinic offers all the services available. But that does not happen all the time. You will soon have clients who will need those services, and they will seek your recommendations and trust whatever you say.

For this reason, make sure that you study your industry well. Know as many clinics as you can and their unique services, even those of your competitions. Besides providing good advice to your clients, you must also gauge all your future career options or understand all the possibilities for your career. 

Consider starting your data gathering as early as now while you are still waiting to finish that certification. 

#3: Ask the Right Questions to Get the Answer You Need

As soon as you begin your course, you will learn that different services need careful skin and lifestyle considerations. This means that you cannot offer any service without knowing some crucial information about your client's routine, lifestyle, or schedule. 

You might also be surprised to find out that not all clients know what details to tell you. You may even encounter people who will not tell you the truth, so try to capture this information by asking them the right questions. Also, inform them of the possible consequences if they provide you with the wrong details. 

#4: Your Attitude Goes a Long Way

You can invest in hiring a PR consultant or agency to help you market your business. However, your clinic, salon, or spa's sellability will ultimately depend on the experience that the clients receive from you. 

Even if you do not feel like it, make sure that you always look professional, pleasant, and reliable. You will be surprised to know how many clients return just because of the enjoyable experience you offered them at your spa or salon. As a result, they may even recommend your service to their family and friends. 


While your aesthetic academy will teach you the skills and knowledge you need to equip yourself for your future career, you also need to learn the realities mentioned above that can affect your actual performance. Use these learnings to your advantage and prepare yourself in all aspects so that you can be a more successful practitioner soon. 

If you are eyeing to learn more advanced aesthetics courses in Colorado, you can book your classes from us at Northern Colorado Advanced Aesthetics Academy. Our institution is approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board. To find out more, view the available classes/programs and schedules on our home page or connect with us today to see how we can help!