An Aesthetician's Guide to Dealing With Clients' Skincare Woes

When you're an aesthetician, people instantly know you're a skin expert, and they're right. From when you were training in an aesthetics academy to finally being a professional, you've been exposed to various skin issues. And with that, you're aware that most skin conditions are fixable and treatable. 

One of the most critical parts of being an aesthetician is that you need to connect with clients regularly. Our skin is the biggest and most visible part of our body, and when a customer comes in with their skin issues, you must remain compassionate and understanding. 

Seeing as client relations is a crucial part of your job, you need to clearly communicate with your clients, especially since skin can be a sensitive topic for most people. In this article, we'll share with you different ways to professionally address your client's skincare woes. Let's take a look!

Tip #1: Empathize and Understand Their Situation

One of the most important traits an aesthetician must have is empathy. Regardless if you've seen a certain skin condition before, you can't light up your client's concerns. When it comes to matters with the skin, some clients can be demanding. This holds true when they've self-diagnosed their skin condition and want an immediate fix. 

When this happens, make sure you have a detailed conversation with them and discuss what's truly going on with their skin. This way, you can properly diagnose them, give them the proper treatment, and guide them to recovery. 

Tip #2: Always Do a Skin Analysis

No matter how mild the skin condition may look, it's always a good idea to take a close look to determine your client's overall skin health. 

Even before touching the skin of your client, you'll easily see some conditions, such as oily, dry, congested, aging, sensitive, and red skin. Additionally, asking your clients to fill up a form will give you a quick overview of why their skin is this way. 

They can have certain skin conditions due to their diet, medication, or lifestyle. This way, you'll get to find areas in their routine that they could improve on and if they need further assistance from a dermatologist. 

Tip #3: Assess Their Skin Condition

After a thorough skin analysis, take an even closer look at your client's skin. Does it have blackheads or whiteheads? How bad is their acne? Are they suffering from sun damage? All these questions can help determine the best treatment for your client.

Seeing that identifying skin conditions can be difficult, you must get proper training at a reputable aesthetics academy to acquire the right knowledge and techniques for the job. Besides, dealing with the skin isn't a piece of cake; you want to ensure that your clients are in skilled and careful hands. 

The Bottom Line: Making Your Clients Feel Comfortable with Their Skin is a Big Step For Skin Treatment

On the surface, skin can seem incredibly mundane, but it's more complicated than it looks. So when your clients barge in with skin woes, all eyes and ears must be on them. By remembering these tips, you'll approach your clients with ease and help them feel their best even during the treatment. 

Being an aesthetician is a rewarding career; that's why if you wish to be a licensed professional, train at a reputable aesthetics academy today!

Are You Looking for an Aesthetic Academy in Colorado?

The Northern Colorado Advanced Aesthetics Academy is a superior source for aesthetics and advanced aesthetics career training. Since the skincare industry is overgrowing, the demand for well-trained individuals is at an all-time high. So if you're looking for a sign to dive into the aesthetics industry, this is it.

We offer training for individuals that will help them land fantastic jobs in top-end spas, salons, and medical aesthetics facilities. Get the best hands-on training needed for this field, and check out our programs today!