IPL Photofacial Treatments: What to Know as Skincare Experts

If you’re looking for ways to treat patients experiencing dull skin aside from the typical treatment procedures, then one method you can consider recommending is an Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial. It’s an advanced aesthetics procedure that works to repair damaged skin and results in a healthy glow.

In an IPL Photofacial procedure, you will utilize a device that gives off intense wavelengths of light applied to your patient’s skin. It targets the deep layer of the skin and constrains blood vessels to produce collagen, further eliminating damaged skin. 

The procedure is often done on a person’s face, hands, neck, and chest. It is used to eliminate skin flaws, including brown spots, inflammation, and signs of aging. People who experience discoloration, enlarged pores, and have noticeable lines and wrinkles can benefit from an IPL treatment as well. If you want to know more about the procedure, keep reading below. 

How IPL Photofacial Treatment Works

Before you execute an IPL Photofacial, you must first ensure that your patient’s eyes are protected from the light. To avoid any accident, giving them dark glasses to wear during the entire procedure is a basic necessity. You will also need to tell them to find a comfortable spot by either sitting or lying down for the procedure to finish.

The treatment then starts by spreading a cold gel over the area to be treated. A wand-shaped device that produces light is hen used to pulses into the targeted skin. An IPL session usually lasts about twenty to thirty minutes, depending on the tolerance level of your patient. 

 If people seek to achieve their desired results, it’s recommended for them to go back for several IPL treatments each month. Many patients report to experience slight discomfort during the procedure. If there is swelling after an IPL Photofacial, it can easily be treated by placing a cold compress over it for fifteen minutes.     

Advantages of an IPL Photofacial

It’s a Safer Alternative

An IPL treatment is a safer skin solution than other laser resurfacing methods, primarily because there is no skin removal involved. While other procedures need to eliminate the top layer of the skin, an IPL Photofacial uses multiple lights and targets the dermis instead.

It Doesn’t Require Recovery Period

Another good thing about getting an IPL Photofacial is that people don’t need to undergo downtime and can quickly go back to their basic routines. There are also minimal complications following an IPL laser for the skin. 

It Requires Less Maintenance Over Time

After experiencing an IPL procedure, patients are expected to return once a month to ensure the redness or skin spots will go away completely. Following a few sessions, patients will only need to go back for treatment once or twice each year for maintenance.

Limitations of an IPL Procedure

There are limitations to be considered for those interested in getting an IPL Photofacial. The procedure is not made for everyone, especially those who have deep skin flaws, like wrinkles and acne scars, since these will require major skin treatments to eliminate.

Besides that, patients who have naturally tan or dark skin may not benefit from an IPL treatment because these are susceptible to skin pigmentation over time. Women who are pregnant and people taking prescribed Accutane medication are also not allowed for an IPL Photofacial. 


Taking care of one’s skin requires time, patience, and dedication so that people can achieve the results they want. With an IPL Photofacial, you can learn to treat skin imperfections in due time! Keep in mind, however, that an IPL only works for specific people and not for everyone. By making yourself more knowledgeable, you can find the best treatments for each particular patient.

Are you looking for a laser certification in Colorado where you can learn the basics of performing an IPL Photofacial? Northern Colorado Advanced Aesthetics Academy is a place where you can learn esthetic procedures to help move your way up in the skincare industry. Get in touch with us today to enroll in a class!