Reasons to Consider Getting an Esthetician License

There are many pathways one may take if they hold an esthetician license. They can find work at spas and salons or even get involved in the cosmetology market. An esthetician license can also allow them to pursue a job in the medical field.

If you are looking to make a fresh start in your career post-pandemic, why not consider becoming an esthetician? Here are some facts about an esthetician license that you may want to know before you make your decision.

What Does An Esthetician Do?

Once you have your esthetician license, what will you be able to do with it? As said earlier, there are many job opportunities that will present themselves to holders of this particular type of license. 

Many licensed estheticians choose to open their own spas and facilities. Many others choose to seek employment from companies that need their services. Here are some of the most logical career paths estheticians can choose from.

1 - Plastic Surgery and Dermatology

A valid esthetician license will allow the holder to work in the cosmetology field. These specialists are known as medical estheticians. They assist plastic surgeons with cosmetic surgical procedures and help guide patients who are recovering from various types of cosmetic surgeries.

2 - Medical Spas

Medical spas are like a cross between a medical clinic and a salon. These specialized spas are usually governed by the state medical board because they offer medical services and procedures, like botox injections and cosmetic procedures, to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. Although estheticians will not be able to perform these procedures themselves, they will be able to help the doctor during the procedures as well as assist patients during recovery.

3 - Makeup Artistry

Estheticians may also work to teach their clients about the proper application of makeup. These professionals can teach a client how to apply makeup that will best complement their skin tone and bone structure. Aside from teaching clients how to apply makeup, they can also educate their clients on its proper removal. Also, an esthetician license also certifies these professionals to perform eyebrow tinting and sculpting to aesthetically alter the client’s appearance. 


If you are interested in making a career change, taking a course to become an esthetician may be the best way to go forward. There are many career choices that will become available for you to choose from, and each one can be incredibly fulfilling. The core of an esthetician’s job is to help their clients with self-esteem and confidence issues. Helping clients reach their beauty and self-confidence goals is a great morale booster for people in this profession.

This career also offers great salaries and opportunities for people who choose to devote themselves to it. You will get to work with great people and build your skills and career in ways you never thought possible. Now that the pandemic is slowly dying down, take this chance to better yourself and your career. Get an esthetician license and take part in the growing industry today!

The Northern Colorado Advanced Aesthetics Academy is a top source for esthetics and advanced esthetics career training. We offer rigorous programs to ensure students get the best hands-on training needed for this growing field. Enroll in our microdermabrasion training course today and be one step closer to getting your dream job in the esthetics industry!